Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Stuff I Can't Explain

Do you like the show, Scrubs? Are you a gay man? Now, you might not think those two are related, but according to some ad buyers on a Chicago local station, they are. At the 11:30 P.M. showing of Scrubs, there’s a commercial for a gay chat line. As a straight man, I had no idea that Scrubs drew such a gay audience.

Every night, when I’m watching the reruns, I have to watch the same leather-clad dudes on a white studio background fake laugh on the telephone. Is a syndicated Scrubs rerun really the best way to target that demographic? If I wanted to promote a gay chat line (and a part of me deep down inside that I don’t really want to talk about does, simply for the ad challenge it brings), I’d be hitting some more homocentric channels like Bravo, A&E, TLC, HGTV, and Spike TV. Not some crappy-ass local station. If I were running that gay chat line, I’d fire the agency that recommended that ad buy and then reinvest the funds in calls to my own gay chat line.

Hey, I just said the ads were misplaced, I didn’t say they don’t work.

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